Former North Carolina Cop Charged With 32 Felonies After Being Arrested A Second Time
North Carolina News – Former Gastonia police officer Xana Dove, 26 was arrested and charged with 15 counts of accessing a government Computer, 1 count of obstruction of Justice, 1 count of conspiring to sell marijuana,1 count of conspiring to deliver marijuana, 4 counts of felony conspiracy, 1 count of conspiring to purchase a stolen motor vehicle, 1 count of possession with intent to sell and deliver marijuana, 2 counts of trafficking opiates by delivery, 2 counts of trafficking opiates by transportation, 2 counts of trafficking opiates by possession, 2 counts of trafficking by sale. This bust comes after she was initially arrested and terminated from the Gastonia Police Department for two counts of Obstruction of Justice, Conspiracy to Obtain Property by False Pretenses, and Filing a False Police Report on September 28th. Corrupt, Corrupt cops, Gastonia News,
Here’s The Article – Former Gastonia officer arrested again, now facing 32 felonies: Police (